Page 3 of 30 results.
Strategy development
The East Gippsland RCS was developed in collaboration with regional partners, including Traditional Owners, community and natural resource management organisations and agencies. The development of this East Gippsland RCS has... -
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting
RCS Monitoring and Reporting The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority is responsible for monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the RCS. Under section 19B of the Catchment and Land Protection... -
Terms of Use
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This Strategy
An integrated planning framework The Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) is the primary integrated planning framework in each of the ten CMA regions of Victoria. This Regional Catchment Strategy (2021‐2027), the... -
Climate Change
The climate in Australia, and globally, has changed and is continuing to change at an increasing rate. The Bureau of Meteorology’s State of the Climate Report for 2020 indicated that... -
Bidwell is a First Nation with 27 Ancestors still subject to ongoing research and development with clans, maps and language. Bidwell country covers south-east of Australia including coastal rivers and... -
“As Gunaikurnai, we see our land (Wurruk), waters (Yarnda), air (Watpootjan) and every living thing as one. All things come from Wurruk, Yarnda and Watpootjan and they are the spiritual... -
Ngarigo Monero
“We are the Ngarigo Monero people, ‘our people have always been connected to the coastline as well as the mountains’. Our continual connection to places, sites and stories is caring... -
Within the East Gippsland region, natural resource management is undertaken as a partnership between government agencies and the community. The size of the region, its large areas of remote and...