Policy context

The RCS provides an integrated planning framework for managing land, water and biodiversity in the East Gippsland region for the next six years. In line with the requirements of the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (CaLP Act), the principal objectives of the strategy are to:

  • establish a framework for the integrated and coordinated management of catchments
  • establish processes that can be used to assess the condition of the region’s land and water resources, and the effectiveness of land protection measures.

Since the development of the last RCS, a number of major events have occurred, legislative reform, and new plans and strategies introduced. These impact the management of the region into the future and influence the new RCS. The timeline below shows the key planning, policy and environmental influences on our region since the development of the last RCS.

RCS review timeline

The current RCS presents a planning framework which focuses on maintaining the condition and productivity (sustainability) of the natural assets of the region. This RCS uses a collaborative and risk-based prioritisation process, based on an assessment of ‘the land and water resources of the catchments of the region and how they are used’ (CaLP Act).

The sections below outline the relevant policy context for the current RCS at a regional, state, national and international level.

RCS Policy Context
RCS Policy Context
ThemePolicy / legislation
LandEast Gippsland Soil Erosion Management Plan (EGCMA / AgVic)
Draft East Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy (EGSC)
WaterEast Gippsland Waterway Strategy (EGCMA)
East Gippsland Urban Waterway Strategy (EGW)
East Gippsland Regional Floodplain Management Strategy (EGCMA)
Integrated Water Management – East Gippsland Strategic Directions Statement (EGW / DELWP)
East Gippsland Shire Urban Waterway Management Strategy (EGSC)
East Gippsland Shire Urban Waterway Guidelines (EGSC)
BiodiversityBiodiversity Response Planning process (DELWP)
Gippsland Plains and Strzelecki Ranges Conservation Action Plan (Parks Victoria)
East Gippsland Conservation Action Plan (Parks Victoria)
Greater Alpine National Parks Management Plan (Parks Victoria)
Protection of the Alpine National Park – Feral Horse Strategic Action Plan 2018-2021 (Parks Victoria)
Protection of the Alpine National Park: Feral Horse Action Plan 2021 (Parks Victoria)
Coasts and MarineGippsland Lakes Ramsar Site Management Plan (EGCMA)
Gippsland Lakes Priorities Plan (EGCMA)
Beware Reef Marine Sanctuary Management Plan (Parks Victoria)
Cape Howe Marine Park Management Plan (Parks Victoria)
Point Hicks Marine Park Management Plan (Parks Victoria)
Gippsland Lakes Recreational Fishery Plan (VFA)
CommunityEast Gippsland Landcare Support Plan
Traditional Owners/First Nations PeoplesGunaikurnai Whole of Country Plan 2015
Gunaikurnai and Victorian Government Joint Management Plan
Cross-theme (other)East Gippsland Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation Plan (EGCMA)
East Gippsland Environmental Sustainability Strategy (EGSC)
East Gippsland Bushfire Recovery Plan (EGSC led)
Gippsland Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (DELWP)
ThemePolicy / legislation
LandCatchment and Land Protection Act 1994
Strong, Innovative, Sustainable: A new strategy for agriculture in Victoria 2020  
Victorian Forestry Plan 
Land Management Strategy (Parks Victoria)
WaterWater Act 1989
Water and Catchment Legislation Amendment Act 2019
Water for Victoria – Water Plan 2016
Victorian Waterway Management Strategy 2013
State Environment Protection Policy (Waters)
Integrated Water Management Framework for Victoria 2017
Draft Gippsland and Central Region Sustainable Water Strategy 2022
Victorian Seasonal Watering Plan (VEWH)
Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy 2016
Victorian Rural Drainage Strategy 2018
BiodiversityFlora and Fauna Guarantee Amendment Act 2019
Flora and Fauna Guarantee Threatened List
Protecting Victoria’s Environment ‐ Biodiversity 2037 (Bio 2037)
Framework for the Victorian State of the Environment Report 2023
Trust for Nature State-wide Conservation Plan 2013
Victorian Deer Control Strategy
Coasts and MarineMarine and Coastal Act 2018
Marine and Coastal Policy 2020
Draft Marine and Coastal Strategy
CommunityVictorians Volunteering for Nature ‐ Environmental Volunteering Plan
Traditional Owners/First Nations PeoplesAboriginal Heritage Act 2006
Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010
The Victorian Traditional Owner Cultural Landscapes Strategy
Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023
Self-Determination Reform Framework
Framework for Government Engagement with Traditional Owners
Pupangarli Marnmarnepu ‘Owning Our Future’ Aboriginal Self-Determination Reform Strategy 2020-2025
DELWP Aboriginal Inclusion Plan 2016-2020
The Victorian Traditional Owner Cultural Fire Strategy
The Victorian Traditional Owner Native Foods and Botanicals Strategy 
Managing Country Together Framework
Cross-theme (other)Our Catchments Our Communities Strategic Directions Statement
Our Catchments Our Communities – Integrated Catchment Management in Victoria 2016
Climate Change Act 2017
Victorian Climate Change Strategy 2021
Environment Protection Act 2017 (and associated Amendment Act 2018)
Victorian Planning Provisions
Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan 2020 – 2025
Planning and Environment Act 1987