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Welcome to the Regional Catchment Strategy The Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) provides a vision for the integrated management of natural resources across East Gippsland. The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority... -
This Region
Regional Overview The East Gippsland Catchment Management region covers 2.2 million hectares of land, lakes and coastal waters in eastern Victoria. About 83% of the region is in public ownership,... -
Region map
This page/pages will have a map/s of the region. The type of map/s is not mandated. Each CMA will decide what sort of map/s for its RCS, such as: A... -
Traditional Owners
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout East Gippsland and pay our respects to them, their Culture and their Elders past, present and future. The Aboriginal community across the... -
Elements of our landscape The information contained in the RCS is built from five major elements of our landscape: Water, Biodiversity, Land, Coasts and Marine, and Communities. These themes largely... -
Local areas
A ‘place based’ approach The structure of the new East Gippsland RCS will be based on five Priority Landscape Areas. The aim of this approach is to capture the interconnected... -
The East Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy is managed by the East Gippsland CMA. Get in touch with us Phone: (03) 5152 0600 Email: Send us an email Website -
Vision for the future
Working together to conserve and enhance East Gippsland’s naturally wealthy landscapes, and the biodiversity and cultural heritage they hold, for now and into the future. Chairperson’s Foreword I am pleased... -
Policy context
The RCS provides an integrated planning framework for managing land, water and biodiversity in the East Gippsland region for the next six years. In line with the requirements of the Catchment... -
The ‘water theme’ of this Regional Catchment Strategy includes the rivers, wetlands, water resources, and groundwater of East Gippsland, including the aquatic biodiversity supported by these freshwater systems. Our region...